18/09/24 – Satsang with Mother Meera

Today we did a little experiment. We met in the Zoom room for a live meditation from Mother Meera on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@MotherMeeraLive). Sounds complicated – but it’s not. If you are curious, you might want to visit us in the near future or take part in Mother Meera’s mediations directly via YouTube. She is on air almost every day from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Mother Meera’s Satsang is a type of silent meditation. For me it was a great experience. Wonderful people took part in our meeting and during the meditation, which lasted an hour, energies flowed through me – sometimes pleasant, sometimes unpleasant.

I’m definitely planning to repeat the event – maybe it will become a series.

Maybe we’ll see each other on Sunday for “normal” heart meditation? I look forward to you.