Heart Warmth Meditation

Duration: 20 minutes

Explanation of the elements


Attention is focussed on the body and then we observe what happens in the body. If our attention drifts into the mind, we return our attention to the body.

Body Relaxation

The basis is the element “observation”. Starting from this element, we look for tense areas and let them go. If this is not possible, we only observe these tense areas.

Heart Warmth

The basis is the element “observation”. Starting from this element, we focus our attention on the heart/chest area and give ourselves the mental command “warmth of heart”. We can set the whole thing in motion by thinking of someone we love.


The basis is the element “observation”. Starting from this element, we focus our attention on the heart/chest area and give ourselves the mental command “gratitude”. We can set the whole thing in motion by thinking of something for which we are grateful.


We don’t have to do anything here. We simply rest. What happens, happens.


Meditation – Sequence of the elements

Variant 1

  1. Observation   (2 minutes)
  2. Body Relaxation  (5 minutes)
  3. Observation  (1 minutes)
  4. ❤️ Heart Warmth ❤️  (7 minutes)
  5. Gratitude   (3 minutes)
  6. Observation  (1 minutes)
  7. Rest (1 minutes)

Variant 2

  1. Observation   (0,5 minutes)
  2. Body Relaxation  (2 minutes)
  3. Observation  (0,5 minutes)
  4. ❤️ Heart Warmth ❤️  (5 minutes)
  5. Observation  (1 minutes)
  6. ❤️ Heart Warmth ❤️  (5 minutes)
  7. Observation  (1 minutes)
  8. Gratitude   (3 minutes)
  9. Observation  (1 minutes)
  10. Rest (1 minutes)