22/09/24 – Heart warmth with Mandy

Today Mandy made her debut as an instructor. I felt a pleasant energy in my body throughout the meditation. What was even more impressive was that after the meditation I was on cloud nine for a few hours and I felt the love within me even more strongly than in the meditation.

I received feedback from many participants that they went very deep in this session.

One participant reported that she was not able to tune into the field of love properly this time and that unpleasant feelings were triggered in her. I experienced something similar once when I meditated with six very high vibration people. My expectation was nothing other than the most beautiful and pleasant meditation in my life. Exactly the opposite happened. I had so many thoughts that literally hurt. On top of that, my whole body hurt. Afterwards I realized that my body was cleansed during meditation and sometimes unpleasant feelings arise. I was also able to look at the topic of expectations again. Expectations block a different and valuable experience. Byron Katie once said, there is life (in the here and now) and expectations of how a situation should be. The difference is the pain.

Thank you very much, dear Mandy. It is very clear to me how much you are in your heart and that you radiate an incredible amount of love.